Siteweb65 - Privacy Policy



Faced with the onset of ever developing tools of communications, it's important to pay attention to the privacy of both our existing and future clients. For this reason we constantly update our proceedures and equipment to make sure that we respect the privacy and confidentiality of all information that we are given or come into contact with, in the process of working for aour clients.

Collection of information

We routinely collect the following data on our website :

  • Surname
  • First name
  • Addresse Email
  • Telephone Number

This information is recieved when someone fills in forms on our website. The information is used ONLY by Siteweb65, and ONLY for the use of replying or sending you information requested. We may keep this information on file to send you subsequent communications that we feel may be of use to you such as.

  • Informations / Offres promotionnelles
  • Contact

Your right to delete your information

You have the right to ask us for any/all information that we currently hold on you or your company, you equally have the right to qsk us to delete your infomation in whole or in part, from our systems.

To excercise these rights contact us at the address below :
28 Rte de Lahitte, Sombrun 65700
Email :
Telephone : 0562964915

Security Of Information

Personal information that we hold on our systems are treated with the utmost respect. In order to assure the security of your information we use the following methods

  • Protocol SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
  • Access Level - Autorised persons only
  • Access Level - Concerned persons only
  • Monitoring of internal networks
  • Backup on information on secure servers
  • Constant development/upgrades of IT equipment
  • ID / Password protection
  • Firewalls to external networks

In addition to the above we use the following security certifications to protect data stored on accessable storage medias

  • WebTrust
  • VeriSign

Contact Us

28 Rte de Lahitte
65700, Sombrun.

+33 (0)
+33 (0)

